(new) federalist

The Party of Fair Play

A reference for an informed citizenry​

Suggestions, questions, comments, opinions? 
All are Welcome.

The “New” Federalist Party is to be founded with the purpose of increasing civic and political engagement in the United States and the World at large.  The Party is open to all, but designed primarily to appeal to people who have disengaged from or been disenfranchised by the current political system.  The problems people have are well-articulated, but poorly-addressed.  The Federalist intent is to position the people articulating the problems where they can attempt to address them. The Federalist goal is to make the systems of governance and problem-solving as effective, efficient, fair, and user-friendly as possible. The Federalist belief is that experiments yield more helpful information than ideologies. The Federalist philosophy is that playing fair is better than winning, and that when someone does not play fair, we all lose.  The Federalist plan is to start small and evolve from there.

Federalist stances on the issues